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Aspen | Club Management Software

• Membership Link to All Other Modules

• Virtually All Club System Requirement

• Full Library of Management Reports

• All Report Template Can Be Modified
  by User

• All Data Fields Available for Reports

• Over 100 Sites in Hong Kong, China,
  Thailand and Indonesia

• Handles all Tax & Payroll Requirements


Custom and Provisional Reporting Options

• Powerful Built-In Industry Standard Report Writer

• Full Range of Management Report

• Ability to Organize and Report the Way You Want Through
  "Criteria Reporting"

• Flexibility to Modify or Create Custom Reports

• Preview Report On Screen

Consistent Operating Environment Throughout

• Powerful "Search" and "Filtering" Feature

• Flexible and Definable Columns

• Automatically Arranges Information in Alphabetical Order
  When You Click On A Column

Powerful Online Query & Data Export Feature

• Allows User-Defined Criteria Search

• Unlimited the Scope of Data for Reporting

• File Export Format for All Common Software

• Complete Mail Merge Function